Nicole watkins pilates

Postpartum safe exercise
in under 10 minutes!

3 Free Pilates-inspired videos targeting your core, legs, and arms. Designed for you: a busy mom struggling with what to do to rebuild your body.

Each class is under 10 minutes and postpartum and diastasis recti friendly.

Because you only have naptime to squeeze in your workout... and laundry.

Take the guess work out of postpartum exercise.

Use these targeted videos as your starting point to rebuild your strength and confidence.

After 15 years of teaching pre and postnatal Pilates, I got to apply it to myself. And postnatal, I felt like Humpty Dumpty after his fall. It's a struggle to know how to put the pieces back together.

What exercises do you do? What do you not do? How do you find time to even eat, much less exercise?

To answer all those questions, I put together these short, targeted videos. You can do them regularly to build back your confidence and strength.

Under 10 Minute Postnatal Exercise

So you don't have to sacrifice your health to be a mom.

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